Mr.S.Aruldas is the Managing Director of Das Auto International Fzd and Das Auto Service LLC.Das Auto International FZD Deal in the trading of new and used Cars, Four Wheel Drives (Highline & Exotic cars),by which they have earned an excellent reputation in this contribution towards their success.
Das Auto Services LLC is one of the most trusted Independent Honda Specialist in Sharjah offers top-of-the-line Service to their customers. Their state-of-the-art facility features the most current diagnostic and repair equipment available, and their factory-trained technicians will deliver the most efficient and quality vehicle care.
They are able to give a personal service to each of their customers,communicating with them before and after work on their vehicle. Their customers have high standards which they always strive to exceed.They offer a free collection and delivery service for labor that costs more than AED1000/-.
Mr.S.Aruldas is theEx President of Thottam Friends Association and a member of AUDIO FINE UAE Chapter. He is interested in Reading, Music and Car Driving.
Being a BSC graduate, S.Aruldas belongs to Annika Vilakam at Manakad in Thiruvananthapuram. His wife is Mrs Lali Vasu. She is working with MCT FZD,Jebel Ali. The couples have two children, Pooja Das and Diya Das.
Show room 150
Al Awir, Ducamz, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel : +971 4 333 27 17
Mob : +971 50 6315182
Email :
Annika Vilakam