Mr. K.M. Nair is the Manager-(Chairman’s Office) of Dubai Transport Co: LLC (DUTCO) since 1973. He has been holding the responsibility of the specialized field of Administration for about 38 years.
The establishment of Dutco, as the company is generally known, dates back to 1947, when leading local businessmen Mr. Yousuf Baker established Dubai Transport Company. Activities include large-scale civil engineering works, mechanical and electrical engineering, Piling & soil improvement, civil engineering, dredging, survey and reclamation, pipeline engineering, information technology and telecommunications, shipping and freight services, trading and luxury hotel operations.
Hailing from Krishna Vilasam house at Thonnakkail in Trivandrum District, Mr. K.M. Nair is a graduate. He used to spend quite a few of his time for Reading. He is now settled at Dubai with his wife Usha, who is a housewife. The couples are blessed with 2 children- Manoj and Uma.
Mr. K.M.Nair,
DUTCO Group,
Post Box #233, Dubai, UAE.
Phone (Office): 04 2660311, Mobile: 050 6443338,
Fax: 04 2665157,
Ashtamy, P.O Kizhuvalam, Mannom, TVM- Kerala.